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This week, I have finally had time to reflect fully on my photographic journey over the past year and a half, as I browsed through my database of images (it's over one terabyte, can you believe that?!). I am extremely happy with the experimental style of photography I have been able to play with as of late, but I have to constantly tell myself that there is still a lot of room for improvement. The following are images those that I have shortlisted for this year's Olympus Open Photo Contest. They are arranged into overarching categories: Birth, Places to Preserve, Smiles and Laughter, Macro, and Art. As always, any feedback or constructive criticism is appreciated. Feel free to comment on this post itself or drop me a message through my 'About' page. Thank you and enjoy! 


This is Where it Began - Vancouver, Canada. 2015

This is Where it Began - Vancouver, Canada. 2015

Birth of a Nation - The core of a country's growth is its people–blood, sweat, and tears shed to benefit the greater good.

Birth of a Nation - The core of a country's growth is its people–blood, sweat, and tears shed to benefit the greater good.

Ashland - I went to Oregon expecting to return easily; instead, I found it difficult to leave my new found home.

Ashland - I went to Oregon expecting to return easily; instead, I found it difficult to leave my new found home.

Serenity - When I look into the sky, I am finally at ease because I catch a glimpse of eternity. 

Serenity - When I look into the sky, I am finally at ease because I catch a glimpse of eternity. 

Panels of Life - Sky. Clouds. Sun. Glass. Metal. Departing from Singapore.

Panels of Life - Sky. Clouds. Sun. Glass. Metal. Departing from Singapore.

Places to Preserve

Conglomeration - Taking a break from the hustle and bustle of Hong Kong's vibrant culture

Conglomeration - Taking a break from the hustle and bustle of Hong Kong's vibrant culture

Asymmetry in Symmetry - Visiting UC Berkeley made me feel inspired–how did I even end up getting accepted as a student here? 

Asymmetry in Symmetry - Visiting UC Berkeley made me feel inspired–how did I even end up getting accepted as a student here? 

Heaven and Earth - I am caught in an infinite void that consist of what I call home and where I call home. 

Heaven and Earth - I am caught in an infinite void that consist of what I call home and where I call home. 

The Crossing - Skies clouded white, bridge worn down, waters turbulent– these elders have no fear in crossing. 

The Crossing - Skies clouded white, bridge worn down, waters turbulent– these elders have no fear in crossing. 

Vista - For a moment, I sat down.

Vista - For a moment, I sat down.

Smiles and Laughter

Euphoria - This girl remains joyful about the prospect of life.

Euphoria - This girl remains joyful about the prospect of life.


Forgotten - For years, this room has been neglected. The air smells musky. The walls are consumed by algae. The silence drains.

Forgotten - For years, this room has been neglected. The air smells musky. The walls are consumed by algae. The silence drains.

Maturation -  Do we ever realize that we are living when we are alive?

Maturation -  Do we ever realize that we are living when we are alive?

Fishy Introspections - The scent of the ocean fills the air. The notion of tonight's dinner consumes my thoughts.

Fishy Introspections - The scent of the ocean fills the air. The notion of tonight's dinner consumes my thoughts.

Drifting Away - Clusters of jellyfish moved closer to the glass–do they see me?

Drifting Away - Clusters of jellyfish moved closer to the glass–do they see me?

Bronze Statue/Mr. Slimy - Looking deeply into the frog's eyes, I noticed its loneliness. It croaked back at me confirming my sentiments.  

Bronze Statue/Mr. Slimy - Looking deeply into the frog's eyes, I noticed its loneliness. It croaked back at me confirming my sentiments.  


Boundless - Imagine rain traversing down these perfect tiles of glass.

Boundless - Imagine rain traversing down these perfect tiles of glass.

Overpass - A bridge is always your best friend

Overpass - A bridge is always your best friend

Desolation - Silence echoes throughout the room–the beating of your heart is merely interference.

Desolation - Silence echoes throughout the room–the beating of your heart is merely interference.

Tranquility - Ten minutes before the sky becomes dark, I begin to understand harmony. 

Tranquility - Ten minutes before the sky becomes dark, I begin to understand harmony. 

Juxtaposition - The efferverscence of the blue sky competes with the forest's dense canopy. 

Juxtaposition - The efferverscence of the blue sky competes with the forest's dense canopy. 

Thank you for making it all the way to the end of the post. Stay tuned for a "Tribute to Vancouver" post in the near future, in which I will feature my favourite photos of the city!